Saravanaa Bhavan

Under $30

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Average Price
$$$$ - Under $30
Dark and moody, Fun, Quiet conversation

About Saravanaa Bhavan

The Indian Cuisine is as diverse as its culture, languages, regions and its climate. Every major region of India brings its own unique dishes and subtle variations to popular dishes. Aromatic Spices are the essence of Indian cuisine. This is the unique formula, we, at Hotel Saravana Bhavan, chain of Indian vegetarian restaurants follow, to build our businesses across the globe. Each new restaurant added to our network carries the legacy of good taste and quality. The trust that the customers have placed in us has been a motivating factor in exploring new destinations. Today, our group has its presence across 31 outlets in South India, 2 in the North and 12 countries with 46 outlets across the globe and 3 countries with 3 outlets to be opened. We have come a long way creating a niche among the Hotelier & Caterer segment. We ensure our customers are our strength and make them feel at home when they are with us. An outlet to be great with friends or all by yourself. You can eat in, take it to go, or have it catered right to you. The feeling is friendly and the food is fabulous. Whenever you need it, wherever you need it, it is your own unique world to eat out. Our services include Fast Food, Take Away, Home Delivery, Outdoor Catering, Party Orders and more.

Location for Saravanaa Bhavan

Saravanaa Bhavan 84, Syed Alwi Road , Singapore , 207663

8262 6793


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