Ya Hua Bak Kut Teh @Parkway Parade

$30 - $49

SquareMeal Review of Ya Hua Bak Kut Teh @Parkway Parade

Since 1973, Founder Madam Gwee Peck Hua has lived and breathed pork ribs soup. Together with her sister, Gwee Guek Hua, both sisters worked tirelessly to perfecting the recipe for the finest bowl of Teochew-style Bak Kut Teh, at a stall in River Valley Road.

Ya Hua Bak Kut Teh has its humble beginnings in Outram Park estate, one of the first HDB estates in Singapore. When the land was reacquired by the government in 1995, Ya Hua Bak Kut Teh shifted to its current premises at Havelock Road. In 2006, due to overwhelming demand, Madam Gwee and her sister Guek Hua opened another branch at Keppel Road.

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Average Price
$$$$ - $30 - $49

Location for Ya Hua Bak Kut Teh @Parkway Parade

Ya Hua Bak Kut Teh 80 Marine Parade Road #01-17 Parkway Parade , Singapore , 449269

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